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Selling the Brand
When It's YOU®
by Debra S. Valle
A proven process sure to re-energize your message or
help you launch a new product or service. The incredible e-Workbook
companion to Debra Valle's popular “Selling the Brand” teleclass. Three versions
designed to meet your needs and your budget.
You 50
by Tom Peters
50 Ways to transform yourself from an "employee"
into a brand that shouts Distinction, Commitment
and Passion! Brand You 50 lays it
all out: from designing your business card,
to landing jobs, from building your Rolodex,
to crafting an image.
Ogilvy on Advertising
by David Ogilvy
If this classic on advertising, with an emphasis on "salesmanship," isn't already on your
bookshelf, dog-eared and well-read, now's your chance.
Emotional Branding
by Marc Gobe
Read this visionary approach to building powerful brand loyalty and learn how to engage today's
consumers on deeper emotional levels.
Brand Called YOU
by Peter Montoya and Tim Vandehey
A must read for anyone who wants to further
their personal marketing power.
The Personal Branding Phenomenon
by Peter Montoya, Tim Vandehey, Paul Viti, James Speros
Full of practical, important strategies for dramatically increasing your personal power and influence, this book tackles the cold, hard reality behind success in the new millennium: everyone succeeds-or fails-by the rules of Personal Branding.
Business development
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SmartMatch Alliances™
by Judy Feld and Ernest Oriente
Learn to connect directly with big-ticket buyers and high-potential prospects with an
easy-to-follow program designed to help you attract more clients, customers, and prospects than
you've ever imagined.
Slightly Famous
by Steven Van Yoder
Filled with dozens of profiles of
slightly famous entrepreneurs (including
Marketing U's own Debra Valle!),
this book provides practical strategies for
getting media attention, speaking engagements,
leveraging the Internet to it's full potential,
creating info-products to supplement income, and
Speak and Grow Rich
by Dottie Walters
Learn the techniques and shortcuts used by today's top speakers: how to identify paid venues, how
to pick good topics, guidelines for setting fees, how to book yourself, and more.
The E Myth Revisited
by Michael Gerber
This book explores how entrepreneurs with great technical but few management skills can do well in
business by developing a precise, proven business system that produces consistent results.
How to Work a Room
by Susan RoAne
Everything you need to know about interacting with people in person and online.
Power Networking
by Sandy Vilas
Discover powerful secrets to create personal and professional networks, with a self-assessment quiz to get started and several methods for eliminating
roadblocks on the path to successful networking.
Business planning
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One Page Business Plan
by Jim Horan
The professional planning tool for entrepreneurs!
Jim Horan's book is an easy-to-use process
that helps you capture your vision and translate
it into concrete results. The One Page
Business Plan leads you by the hand
through the business planning process.
Business Plans for Dummies
by Tiffany and Peterson
Perhaps the best work you'll find on this subject, this 354-page guide realizes there's more to it
than simply creating a budget. Learn how to write plans that are not only informative but
Career transition
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by William Bridges
With a global view and easy-to-read style, this book explores the changing workplace in the
mid-1990s by looking at trends, shifts and cycles that impact the way we do business.
You & Co
Learn to Think Like the CEO of your Own
by William Bridges
Unlike other job-hunting books Creating
You & Co helps readers identify
what matters most in a job search. Following
a specific discovery formula, "D.A.T.A."
(desires, abilities, temperment, and assets)
readers unlock the keys to an ideal career
Creativity and design
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The Non-Designer's Design Book
by Robin Williams and Carol Quandt
Explore the essentials of page layout in this primer on design principles for people with little or
no design background.
Goal setting
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The Guerrilla Marketing Handbook
by Jay Conrad Levinson and Seth Godin
This irreverent handbook focuses on the details: business cards and their uses, case histories of
direct-mail postcards, ideas about publicity, pricing, logos, and more.
Guerrilla Marketing Weapons
by Jay Conrad Levinson
100 affordable marketing methods for maximizing profits from your small business for increasing
your sales.
Promotion Online
by Ilise Benun
The absolutely stunning bookin both design and
contenthelps you explore how you can use the speed and reach of the Web to your advantage.
Marketing for Dummies
by Alexander Hiam
Lots of satisfied readers can't be wrong about this book. A good overview of marketing basics for
businesses, individuals and organizations of all types.
Money management
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Money Drunk, Money Sober
by Mark Bryan, Julia Cameron
Explore hidden issues about personal finances — from compulsive spending to dealing with a cash
codependent — and how unresolved money problems can destroy relationships, careers, and lives.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Two unique economic perspectives form the context for this book. Taking to heart his educated but
financially unstable father's message (“the poor and the middle class work for money”) and his
closest friend's multimillionaire eighth-
grade dropout father's message (“the rich have money work
for them”) the author was able to retire at 47.
Personal development
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Stand Up for Your Life
by Cheryl Richardson
This book promises self-honoring strategies to transform your fear and doubt into self-trust and
power — and delivers.
Take Time for Your Life
by Cheryl Richardson
Live a life you love as personal coach Cheryl Richardson shows you how to switch from being
stressed, unfulfilled, and overworked.
Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting
by Lynn Grabhorn
A great resource for becoming present to your beliefs, attitudes, and a simple guide to learning
how to shift them.
Inner Work
by Robert A. Johnson
Learn how to use dreams and inner exercises to achieve personal wholeness and a more satisfying
life as you integrate your conscious and unconscious selves.
The Portable Coach
by Thomas Leonard
This book by the late Thomas Leonard, the
father of personal coaching, offers advice and insights
on how to successful, happier, and wealthier.
Coaching for Performance
by John Whitmore
The definitive guide to mastering the skills needed to help people unlock their potential and
maximize their performance, this book has sold more than 200,000 copies worldwide.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
(book and audio)
by Deepak Chopra
This work by the renowned spiritualist focuses on the wisdom of the body, the inner intelligence of
all living things, that propels them toward fulfillment without struggle or compulsiveness.
How to Get What You Really Want
by Barbara Sher, Annie Gottlieb
This book is like a What Color is Your
Parachute for people who don't want
a corporate job. It's not just a book that
you read, it's a book that you DO. Great
exercises that will help you answer the
question. What are my goals?
and How do I achieve them?
Time management
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The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure
by Juliet B. Schor
This book documents and explores what has happened to us at work in the last 50 years, and the
impact on our lives, our values, our prosperity, and our well being. Filled with a lot of
historical details and trends.
Web topics
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Designing Websites for Every Audience
by Ilise Benun
An excellent resource for all emerging and established Web designers, this book provides detailed analysis about what works and what doesn't when it comes to usability.
Boost Business With Your Own E-zine
by Alexandria Brown
E-book that helps you lplan, write, publish, and promote your e-zine.
With bonus report of more than 200 e-zine resources
to help your subscriber list explode with
growth...and it all comes with a money back
The Non-Designer's Web Book
by Robin Williams and John Tollett
This book explains what the Web is, how it gets to your computer, how to use it, and, most of all,
how to design for it.
Design for Dummies
by Lisa Lopuck
Packed with surefire strategies for Web
design success so you can produce great
sites—and keep clients happy. Written by a
veteran Web professional, this friendly
guide walks you step by step through the
entire Web design process.