Tailored to support managers and teams new to the marketing arena
Gain marketing expertise and insight with this program designed to support managers and teams new to marketing, or who are looking for a fresh perspective.
Whether offered as a seminar, workshop, or as a retreat, this program helps you . . .
- Clarify brand and marketing objectives;
- Create strategic business plans;
- Facilitate better team objectives;
- Improve internal communications;
- Enhance performance of your employees and sales teams.
Who benefits most? Any marketing or public relations team, professionals, non-profits, or senior teams with a desire to learn or reinforce key marketing principles, especially when . . .
- Launching a new idea, service or product;
- Dissatisfied with their current marketing and promotional
- Interested in attracting a broader audience or specific
type of clientele;
- Experiencing a slump in sales due to increased competition
or stagnant client base.
Debra Valle, MCC |